The Benefits Of Engaging The Community in ADA Compliance Efforts

April 22, 2024

The Benefits Of Engaging The Community in ADA Compliance Efforts

In Part 3 of our series for small towns, parishes and municipalities in Louisiana that want to build ADA compliant streets, we explore how to involve the larger community in the process. Actively involving residents in a town's ADA compliance journey is an important step to opening the channels of communication and collaboration and encourages a sense of community ownership and understanding.

One creative idea is to establish an ADA advisory committee. Include individuals with disabilities on this committee to provide valuable insights into the real-world challenges and needs of this demographic. Their personal experiences will guide decision-making, ensuring compliance efforts address actual needs and not just theoretical ones.

Transparency and visibility are also key in garnering community support. Publicize the town's efforts towards ADA street compliance. Share the journey - from the assessment of existing infrastructure, the proposed modifications, to the execution of plans and regular maintenance. This can also involve sharing the financial aspects, including how you're allocating funds and the sources of these funds.

Feedback loops are another critical component. This can be through town hall meetings, suggestion boxes, online surveys, or social media platforms. Make sure there are avenues for residents to voice their opinions, concerns, or suggestions. This two-way communication not only allows you to gather feedback but also gives residents the assurance that their voices are heard and valued.

Celebrate milestones at each step toward ADA compliance. Recognizing and celebrating these achievements builds momentum and reinforce the positive impacts of the small town or municipality's efforts. Whether it's the installation of a new curb ramp, the completion of an accessible pedestrian crossing, or securing a grant for further enhancements; these successes deserve recognition. Celebrate these milestones to foster a sense of pride and shared accomplishment among residents of your Louisiana small town, parish or municipality.

Ongoing ADA Compliance and Maintenance

The journey to ADA street compliance doesn’t end once modifications are in place. Maintaining this compliance is an enduring commitment that requires regular attention and upkeep. This necessitates an effective plan for consistent maintenance of a town's sidewalks, ramps and crossings.

Initiating a routine inspection schedule is a vital first step. Regularly examining all public pathways and pedestrian crossings for wear and tear, and addressing any damage promptly, can help avoid larger, more costly repairs down the line. Whether it's a cracked sidewalk, a malfunctioning pedestrian signal, or a worn-out curb ramp, issues should be identified and resolved as quickly as possible.

Keeping meticulous records of all ADA-related efforts is equally important. A well-documented history of compliance efforts, including infrastructure modifications and maintenance work, can serve as valuable evidence of the town's dedication to accessibility. Not only does this demonstrate an ongoing commitment to an inclusive community, but it can also be beneficial in case of any potential ADA-related complaints or legal challenges.


Reaching ADA street compliance is one step on the journey, but small towns, parishes and municipalities in Louisiana need to continually work to uphold the compliance as well. Ensuring that the infrastructure remains welcoming and accessible for all residents, regardless of their abilities or mobility levels is an ever evolving landscape. This proactive approach towards maintenance and compliance reinforces a culture of inclusion and allows your community to thrive and grow.

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